Green Team Recycling Bins


The Green Team has just started its recycling campaign and we are sporting new recycling bins.  BLUE is for plastics, WHITE for glass and metal, GREEN for all others.  The Green Team girls are doing a recycling presentation in the assemblies to help the students use the bins correctly.  GO GREEN TEAM 2015

El equipo ambiental ha empezado su campana de reciclar y estamos estrenando canecas nuevas. AZUL es para plasticos, BLANCO latas y vidrio, VERDE para lo de mas.  El Equipo ambiental esta haciendo presentaciones en als asambleas para ayudar a los alumnos con el uso correcto de las canecas.

By ccctes

‘Up for School’ Petition for a Universal Right to Education


‘Up for School’, the largest of its kind, is calling on people to help put pressure on global leaders to keep their promise of a universal right to education.  Class 3-4 spent the week before the holidays collecting hundreds of student and parent signatures for TES’s petition. How many more signatures can they get?? Updates will be found here!

You can find the online petition here:

By ccctes

First Grade ‘Working for the World’

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Throughout December, First Grade were working hard on their Unit of Inquiry, ‘Working for the World’ which focussed on the roles that charitable organisations play and the different jobs that people do within them. All the classes used recycled materials to design, produce and sell beautiful Christmas decorations at the Christmas Fayre. They raised over 300,000 pesos and will share the money between Ayudame, a foundation which helps pair children with adoptive parents and Los Tacho, a Bogota animal shelter. Representatives from the foundations are going to come to receive the money from the children. Well done First Grade! 🙂

By ccctes

Third and Fourth Grade Christmas Present Poster Campaign

IMG_0160Thank you very much to Juan Felipe Manrique, our PYP Social Responsibility representative, and Juan Felipe Vargas from Third Grade and friends for coming to help with the Christmas present collection posters. We collected a huge number of presents which went to the children of some TES general services staff, and children in foundations in Bogota and Buenaventura. It is great to know that we can all make a positive difference to the lives of others… keep it up!

By ccctes



Our staff jeans days this year have raised over 2 million pesos for the Solidarity Committee fund. This money is a reserve for members of staff who find themselves in financial hardship. Thank you everyone! From now on, there will be a jeans day honesty box in the staff room for anyone who does not pass the office of their section on these days…. keep up the good work! 🙂

By ccctes



Corazon Unidos is an organisation founded by TES alumni student Maria Jose Ramirez Fonseca to help people with difficult living conditions in Soacha. There are also number of current TES students that volunteer with the foundation.

At TES, we have started a campaign to collect goods for Corazon Unidos to share with people in need of support. Each section of the school will focus on bringing different resources, with a pizza party as a prize for the class that brings the most resources.

  • PYP – Preschool and Primary classes, please bring long-term expiration food such as rice, grains, canned food, etc. Pick up a few extra items next time you are in the supermarket!
  • MYP – Please bring good quality, used clothes – any size, any colour, any material – have a clear out of the wardrobes in your house!
  • DP – Please donate school materials, notebooks and reading books – you could give unused resources that you may have!
  • Staff – Please bring warm clothes (scarves, jumpers, gloves, etc.) and blankets.

So, everyone… please get involved in this very worthy cause. You have until the 30th November to bring things in: which class can bring the most??

Thank you! 😀

By ccctes

Primary Student Litter Campaign / PYP ‘I made it better’ Award

IMAG0121Well, the Social Responsibility blog has been a little quiet recently! But that is set to change as we have a lot of projects that have recently started at TES!

Some 2nd grade students received the ‘I made it better’ award at lines on Monday as they have been getting active and helping to clean up the school at break times. Well done to Jose Miguel Torres, Martin Garay, Jose Daniel Largo, Lucas Cavieres and Mateo Cañon – it is great to see some student led action!

Also featured in the picture is Andrea Hill Fernandez, who was recognised as being a superstar friend – keep up the good work!

Remember, we can all do wonderful, kind things to make our school, city, country, even world a better place – so talk to your friends about it, and get involved… speak to your teacher, Miss Natasha, or your section’s social responsibility representative if you have an idea to share! 🙂

By ccctes



Hello everyone, and welcome back to another school year on the blog!

We have some new representatives that will be working together to raise awareness of current issues and organise events in the school.

Natasha Kater is a teacher in Primary, and the new Director of CCC Social Responsibility here at TES: “I am really excited about the year ahead: I am looking forward to getting people thinking about global and local issues, and getting some amazing student-led projects underway! If you have any ideas about how we can make things better with our school, local area, or even on a wider scale, you can speak to me, your Head of Year, or your section’s student representative.”

Our PYP rep from 4th Grade is Juan Felipe Manrique Marin: “I think we can make a better community, a greener school, with better relationships.”

Representing MYP, we have Daniel Jaller from 9th Grade: “I would really love to help all the students with their needs. I feel that I can help with things that we all need.”

And for DP, Laura Chaves will be the rep: “I think it is a great opportunity for students to have the option for helping to create a better community in school. I am really happy to be the one to help us achieve our goals.”

This Social Responsibility team will be getting projects underway very soon – watch this space! 😀

By ccctes

Service Learning and Music

Music in Nursery

9th grade Music students shared what they learned this year with the TES Nursery students. They taught them how to play various instruments and shared the joy of music with them. It’s great to see our older students making connections with our youngest ones!

Estudiantes de Musica de 9o compartieron lo que aprendieron este año con los estudiantes del Nursery de TES.  Les enseñaron tocar varios instrumentos y compartieron la alegrìa con ellos ¡Es genial ver nuestros estudiantes mayores haciendo conexiones con los mas chiquitos!

By ccctes